What I do

Rapid technological change, globalisation, and hybrid work in a post-pandemic world has completely upended our way of life.

We live in a world that social anthropologists describe as BANI, which stands for Brittle, Anxious, Non-linear, and Incomprehensible. BANI reflects a reality that is fragile, easily disrupted, unpredictable, and difficult to comprehend. As a result, the demand for individuals, teams, organisations, and broader systems to be flexible and adaptive has reached an all-time high.

As a professional coach I partner with my clients to develop the psychological flexibility to navigate and thrive in this world.

  • Individuals who want to excel in their roles and reach their full potential benefit greatly from professional coaching. I partner with clients to increase their self-awareness and emotional intelligence. I support them to develop psychological flexibility, which enables them to align their actions and habits with their values and purpose, build resilience and increase stress management skills. When working in an organisational context I collaborate with line managers to ensure that clients' goals are aligned with the expectations and resources of the organisation. By doing so, clients receive support from both their manager and the organisation in their development journey.

  • As executives progress in leadership roles complexity and uncertainty increases and they need to adjust quickly to the changing demands of their roles. Many leaders who have achieved success in the past find that they need more than their existing skills and strategies to cope with the new level of work expected from them. As a thinking partner I help leaders to understand their context and what is required of them in their roles. I work with them to enhance their psychological flexibility to increase their leadership effectiveness and impact on their teams and organisations.

  • I work with leaders to identify their development goals using various assessment tools. The Leadership Circle Profile is one such tool, which evaluates a leader's effectiveness and impact based on two domains: Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies. This helps leaders recognise their strengths and growth areas. By raising awareness of reactive tendencies, the process helps leaders reduce defensive behaviours and increase psychological flexibility. Through coaching, leaders can shift their focus towards a growth-oriented mindset and embrace uncertainty and change.

  • As a team coach, I create psychological safety and trust to facilitate the growth and collaboration of teams. I work closely with teams to define their vision and objectives, and help them overcome any obstacles that may hinder their progress. Through team coaching I also assist teams to manage conflicts, give and receive feedback, and establish more effective ways to work together. At the heart of my work with teams is the principle of aligning actions with what matters most, while remaining flexible and adaptable to changing situations. By focusing on what is most important, teams can establish clear objectives that are aligned with broader expectations. This helps them achieve better results, strengthen relationships, and collectively develop psychological flexibility.

  • My supervision work is based on creating a supportive and collaborative environment for coaches to reflect on and improve their practice and skills. Whether through individual or group sessions, I offer a reflective space to explore and gain fresh insights into a client’s coaching practice. Through our work together, coaches have the opportunity to develop their psychological flexibility and access resources that benefit not only themselves but also their clients and the wider system. I value supervision as a vital process for maintaining ethics and quality, enhancing wellbeing and fostering ongoing growth as a coach.

  • As a systems change consultant, I work with different stakeholders, such as organisations, communities, and institutions, who are committed to creating a positive impact on society or the environment. I use a holistic approach that draws on principles of deep democracy, psychological flexibility development, and co-production. This enables me to create a psychologically safe space where people can collaborate and co-create meaningful change.