About me

I grew up and started my career in financial services in South Africa, a country rich in cultural diversity, which profoundly shaped my approaches to individual and team development.

My career brought me to Jersey, Channel Islands and I later moved to the Public Sector where I gained valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of delivering public services and the application of systems thinking. Throughout my career, I have held senior leadership roles and served on Executive Boards, including leading the organisational leadership development strategy and programmes for the government in 2016-2017. During 2019-2021 I established and managed the Jersey Public Sector Women in Leadership Board's mentorship programme to support and inspire female leaders.

In 2021 I established Shine Global Ltd, an extension of Shine, a niche consultancy founded in South Africa by its partners in 2017. Shine specialises in improving workplace performance by promoting healthy relationships between leaders, teams, and organisations.

By leveraging an extensive and diverse network of associates and a strong commitment to social impact we develop and implement innovative solutions for clients. In doing so, Shine not only benefits their clients but also the communities they serve.

My journey towards greater psychological flexibility was serendipitous. I discovered Acceptance and Commitment Therapy while pursuing an MSc course in Coaching and Behavioural Change. As I delved into the application of psychological flexibility development in coaching and leadership development, I began to observe positive changes in my own psychological flexibility.

I found myself better equipped to manage stressors and emotional challenges in my personal life, and noticed an increase in resilience, better relationships, and improved overall wellbeing. The change in me was profound, and I now consider psychological flexibility to be my superpower. I am passionate about helping others develop their own psychological flexibility and harness its transformative potential.

I continue to live in beautiful Jersey, which I now consider to be home. I serve on the board of directors of the Jersey Recovery College, a local mental health charity close to my heart. When I’m not working I enjoy exploring nature or running along the sea walls and cliff paths in Jersey.

Connect with me on LinkedIn

Reflecting on my professional journey, it's clear that I was destined to end up where I am today. I have always loved supporting individuals and teams in their growth and development.

I hold the following accreditations and qualifications:

– ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC)

– EMCC Senior Coach Practitioner
(Ref no: EIA20218134)

– Action Learning Facilitator

– Mental Health First Aider

– Mediator - QMU Edinburgh

– A and B and Euro Test User
(British Psychological Society)
(Ref no: 277637)

I am a certified Leadership Circle Profile coach and Lewis Deep Democracy facilitator.

I have completed the Advanced Professional Programme in Coaching Supervision through Oxford Brookes University.